Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Oasis video analysis-Lyla

This video from oasis is a performance video. The video tells a story of a woman and her strange evening. The video starts with the camera rapidly moving down a building and when it come to the bottom of the building we go inside a flat where this woman is standing in the company of two other men. The start of the video is in black and white and I believe this is a representation of the woman's depression which is shown with the close ups of her face which show her expression as sad. At the start of the video the two men seem to be shouting at the women with the dog barking and with one of the men with a knife this all creates a feeling that not only is the woman unhappy but also in danger. Just before one of the men heads towards the bathroom oasis are seen performing on the television screen. With the noise of the shouting and barking the woman breaks mentally as she screams back and ushers the men out of the room to be left by herself at which she seems still depressed but definitely more relieved as if a burden is off her shoulders. She heads to the bathroom and collects drugs, the identity of which we are unsure as is soon seen facing a wall which explodes open with light and sound and she steps inside the open room the collapsed wall creates. As she steps in the video becomes colour, the woman becomes dressed in a nice dress with her hair done looking happier than she had been at any other time of the video and in some sort of party in which oasis are playing. As the video progresses she seems to enjoy herself and being liked by the other party goers until she starts to see a vision of a fat couple eating ferociously and instead of the people looking at her and giving her attention she see's them masked and looking down on her and almost physically abusing her and she panics and flee's and as she does so keeps seeing flashes of the masked people then vanishing and she ends up in the colourless world she began in. At the end of the video she looks out the window at the wall that she went through and on it reads "don't believe the truth". This could mean that she escaped to this world with colour and popularity and partying because she doesn't want to believe the bad situation she is in in the real life with the two men but even the colour world ended badly and bought her back to the truth she doesn't want to believe.

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