Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Comparison of the Kasabian videos

These two videos from Kasabian have many similarities. Firstly they are both performance videos and the band are acting as other people and not just in a band. Also in both victories they are fighting either in a war or in a revolution and in both videos end up on the losing side. The end of both videos also end up in death. In club foot one of the band's fellow revolutionists is killed by a man in a tank where as the empire video throughout is of the band dying where at the end the lead singer is the last to be killed. In both videos also the enemy of the band are the people who shouldn't be the enemy. In club foot the enemy is the government and people in charge of the country who should look after and not be at war with their own people and in Empire the enemy are the generals of their own team as you see more of them than the oppositions soldiers and more is made of the murder from the general right at the end than any other death in the video. Finally both videos are sad, depressing and an anti-war message as both videos try to show just how bad war can be.

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